RESO Transport Workgroup

RESO Web API Add/Edit Endorsement

RCP 10
Version 2.0.0
Authors Sergio Del Rio (T4Bi)
Joshua Darnell (RESO)
Date Ratified December 2023
Dependencies Data Dictionary 1.7+
Web API 2.0.0+
Related Links DD Wiki 1.7
Data Dictionary Spreadsheet

The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Table of Contents


The Web API Add/Edit Endorsement defines how to create, update, or delete data in the RESO Web API. It also includes standard error message responses so interactive clients may inform users how to correct issues with business rules, for example.

This proposal does not provide formal business rule support. That is addressed in Validation Expressions (RCP-019), which is compatible with this specification.

Section 1: Purpose

Creating and editing data is an important part of the listing transaction and primarily done through a UI. In order to allow for interactive clients, data producers need to be able to perform certain actions.

There are also other cases, such as creating Open Houses, Showings, or maintaining Member and Office data, where the ability to support such clients is useful.

The goal of this proposal is to provide a standard mechanism for create, update, and delete actions in the RESO Web API.

Add/Edit providers may implement as many or as few actions as makes sense for their business case, with one or more standard or local fields.

When Data Dictionary elements are used, they will be recognized by the RESO Certification System.

Section 2: Specification

The RESO Web API Add/Edit Endorsement consists of three possible actions:

These correspond to the HTTP verbs POST, PATCH, and DELETE, respectively.

This specification also defines standard error responses.


Servers MUST implement one of the following OAuth2 authorization methods to be compliant with the RESO Web API specification:

OAuth2 is not part of OData. As such, servers and clients will need to implement support for it.

Server Metadata

RESO Web API servers MUST advertise metadata in XML format using a /$metadata path relative to their service root.

The OData Service Root used in this document is assumed to be

As such, the XML metadata would be available at$metadata. This will vary between providers and systems.

The examples in this document assume the following OData XML Metadata:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<edmx:Edmx Version="4.0" xmlns:edmx="">
    <Schema Namespace="org.reso.metadata" xmlns="">
      <EntityType Name="Property">
          <PropertyRef Name="ListingKey"/>
        <Property Name="ListingKey" Type="Edm.String" MaxLength="255"/>
        <Property Name="ListPrice" Type="Edm.Decimal" Precision="14" Scale="2"/>
        <Property Name="BedroomsTotal" Type="Edm.Int64"/>
        <Property Name="BathroomsTotalInteger" Type="Edm.Int64"/>
        <Property Name="StandardStatus" Type="Edm.String">
          <Annotation Term="RESO.OData.Metadata.LookupName" String="StandardStatus"/>
        <Property Name="AccessibilityFeatures" Type="Collection(Edm.String)">
          <Annotation Term="RESO.OData.Metadata.LookupName" String="AccessibilityFeatures"/>
        <Property Name="ModificationTimestamp" Precision="27" Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset"/>
      <EntityType Name="Lookup">
          <PropertyRef Name="LookupKey"/>
        <Property Name="LookupKey" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"/>
        <Property Name="LookupName" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"/>
        <Property Name="LookupValue" Type="Edm.String" Nullable="false"/>
        <Property Name="StandardLookupValue" Type="Edm.String"/>
        <Property Name="LegacyODataValue" Type="Edm.String"/>
        <Property Name="ModificationTimestamp" Precision="27" Type="Edm.DateTimeOffset" Nullable="false"/>

Note that the Lookup Resource is used in the examples above, so single- and multi-valued enumerations have types Edm.String and Collection(Edm.String).

Responses and Representations

More than one response format is allowed for create (POST) and update (PATCH) actions.

From the OData “4.01” Specification: Preference return=representation and return=minimal The return=representation and return=minimal preferences are defined in [HTTP-Prefer],

In OData, return=representation or return=minimal is defined for use with a POST, PUT, or PATCH Data Modification Request other than to a stream property, or to an Action Request. Specifying a preference of return=representation or return=minimal in a GET or DELETE request, or any request to a stream property, SHOULD return a 4xx Client Error.

A preference of return=representation or return=minimal is allowed on an individual Data Modification Request or Action Request within a batch, subject to the same restrictions, but SHOULD return a 4xx Client Error if specified on the batch request itself.

A preference of return=minimal requests that the service invoke the request but does not return content in the response. The service MAY apply this preference by returning 204 No Content in which case it MAY include a Preference-Applied response header containing the return=minimal preference.

A preference of return=representation requests that the service invokes the request and returns the modified entity. The service MAY apply this preference by returning the successfully modified resource in the body of the response, formatted according to the rules specified for the requested format. In this case the service MAY include a Preference-Applied response header containing the return=representation preference.

Error Responses

The OData “4.01” specification outlines the JSON format of the error response body as follows:

The representation of an error response body is format-specific. It consists at least of the following information:

· code: required non-null, non-empty, language-independent string. Its value is a service-defined error code. This code serves as a sub-status for the HTTP error code specified in the response.

· message: required non-null, non-empty, language-dependent, human-readable string describing the error. The Content-Language header MUST contain the language code from [RFC5646] corresponding to the language in which the value for message is written.

· target: optional nullable, potentially empty string indicating the target of the error, for example, the name of the property in error.

· details: optional, potentially empty collection of structured instances with code, message, and target following the rules above.

· innererror: optional structured instance with service-defined content.

Service implementations SHOULD carefully consider which information to include in production environments to guard against potential security concerns around information disclosure.

Note: RESO Certification requires the details array to be present in the error response, though optional in the OData specification above, in order to provide usability for interactive clients which need to know the affected fields and their corresponding error messages. The target and message fields are therefore also required in details.

Examples of the error response format are shown in the following sections.

Create Action

This section outlines requests and responses for creating records.

Create Action Succeeds

There are two successful request and response formats depending on whether the server supports returning the created record in the response body.

Create Action with return=representation

A client can request that the current representation of a record be returned upon creation.

This is done by using the Prefer: return=representation request header.


  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  Prefer: return=representation
 "ListPrice": 123456.00,
 "BedroomsTotal": 3,
 "BathroomsTotalInteger": 3,
 "AccessibilityFeatures": [
  "Accessible Approach with Ramp", "Accessible Entrance", "Visitable"


HTTP/2 201 Created
  OData-Version: 4.01
  EntityId: "12345"
  Content-Length: 566
  Content-Type: application/json
  Preference-Applied: return=representation
  "@odata.etag": "W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"",
  "ListingKey": "12345",
  "ListPrice": 123456.00,
  "BedroomsTotal": 3,
  "BathroomsTotalInteger": 3,
  "AccessibilityFeatures": [
    "Accessible Approach with Ramp", "Accessible Entrance", "Visitable"
  "StandardStatus": "Coming Soon",
  "ModificationTimestamp": "2022-12-05T18:33:20Z"

Create Action with return=minimal

There may be cases where the representation isn’t needed by the client or isn’t supported by the server.


  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  Prefer: return=minimal
 "ListPrice": 123456.00,
 "BedroomsTotal": 3,
 "BathroomsTotalInteger": 3,
 "AccessibilityFeatures": [
  "Accessible Approach with Ramp", "Accessible Entrance", "Visitable"


HTTP/2 204 No Content
  OData-Version: 4.01
  EntityId: "12345"
  Content-Length: N
  Content-Type: application/json
  Preference-Applied: return=minimal

The response body is empty in this case.

Create Action Fails

There is a single error response, regardless of representation.


  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  Prefer: return=representation
 "ListPrice": -123456.00,
 "BedroomsTotal": 3,
 "BathroomsTotalInteger": 3,
 "AccessibilityFeatures": [
  "Accessible Approach with Ramp", "Accessible Entrance", "Visitable"


HTTP/2 400 Bad Request
  "error": {
    "code": "20100",
    "message": "Errors",
    "target": "Create",
    "details": [
        "code": "30212",
        "target": "ListPrice",
        "message": "List Price must be greater than 0"

Note how the target field in the details array references the ListPrice in the Property Resource. It’s important that providers follow this format in their error responses. Each item will be validated against the server metadata in order to make sure the item exists.

When the error is with an item in a collection, for example the second media object in a nested payload, it would be referenced by Media[1].Category (assuming the error was with the Category field). The RESO Data Dictionary defines standard relationships so that Property has a collection of Media items associated with it.

The message MUST be provided and SHOULD contain a user-friendly response that could be displayed in an application.

RESO Certification will verify that there is a non-null, non-empty message, but will not validate the content.

Update Action

This section shows requests and responses for updating records.

Update Action Succeeds

There are two possible request and response formats when updating data, depending on whether returning the representation is supported on a given system.

Update Action with return=representation

A client can request that the current representation of a record be returned upon update.

This is done with a request header value of Prefer: return=representation.


  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
  Prefer: return=representation
  "ListPrice": 133456.00


HTTP/2 200 OK
  EntityId: "12345"
  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Length: 566
  Content-Type: application/json;
  Preference-Applied: return=representation
  "@odata.etag": "W/\"ABCxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"",
  "ListingKey": "12345",
  "ListPrice": 133456.00,
  "BedroomsTotal": 3,
  "BathroomsTotalInteger": 3,
  "AccessibilityFeatures": [
    "Accessible Approach with Ramp", "Accessible Entrance", "Visitable"
  "StandardStatus": "Coming Soon",
  "ModificationTimestamp": "2022-12-05T18:33:20Z"

Update Action with return=minimal

Similar to create actions, there may be cases where the representation isn’t needed by the client or isn’t supported by the server.

The server MAY return a minimal response in these cases.


  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
  Prefer: return=minimal
 "ListPrice": 133456.00,


HTTP/2 204 No Content
  OData-Version: 4.01
  EntityId: "12345"
  Preference-Applied: return=minimal

There is no response body in this case, only the response headers shown above.

Update Action Fails

There is a single error response regardless of the representation.


  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
  Prefer: return=representation
 "ListPrice": -133456.00,


HTTP/2 400 Bad Request
  "error": {
    "code": "20100",
    "message": "Errors",
    "target": "Update",
    "details": [
        "code": "30212",
        "target": "ListPrice",
        "message": "List Price must be greater than 0"

Since the target of the first item in the details array is ListPrice, and the request was made to the Property Resource, this means the ListPrice field in the Property Resource had the error shown in message.

Delete Action

The delete action allows for the deletion of records. Unlike the create and update actions, it does not support different representations.

Delete Action Succeeds


  OData-Version: 4.01
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"


HTTP/2 204 No Content
 OData-Version: 4.01

There is no response body in this case.

Delete Action Fails


Let’s assume the client tries to delete a record that doesn’t exist.

  OData-Version: 4.01
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"


The response would be as follows:

HTTP/2 404 Not Found

There are other possible error scenarios for DELETE actions as well. For example, the server does not support delete.

The server MUST respond with the appropriate HTTP 4XX status code when errors are encountered, and MAY decide whether to return a response body with the appropriate error message in these cases.

Section 3: Certification

For each create, update, or delete action there is a success and failure scenario.

Those being certified will provide known good and bad payloads that can trigger each of these responses. They will also indicate whether they support return=minimal or return=representation (or both) for each action being tested.

Since Add/Edit potentially changes data, it is not required that providers be tested on production servers. The expectation is that they will make these services available, however, and that they match what they’re certified with.

Certification reports will show which actions and data elements were tested. Items matching the RESO Data Dictionary will be classified as such, but are not required.

Create Action Succeeds with return=representation

When the Prefer: return=representation request header is present, the testing rules are as follows:

  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  Prefer: return=representation
@create @create-succeeds @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @2.1.0 @return-representation
Scenario: Create operation succeeds using a given payload
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And request data has been provided in "create-succeeds.json"
  And request data in "create-succeeds.json" is valid JSON
  And schema in "create-succeeds.json" matches the metadata
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the request header "Content-Type" "contains" "application/json"
  And the request header "Accept" "contains" "application/json"
  And the `Prefer` request header is `return=representation`
  When a "POST" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "create-succeeds.json"
  Then the server responds with one of the following status codes
    | 201 | 204 |
  And the response header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the response header "EntityId" "MUST" "be present" if the response code was 204
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" "be present"
  And the response header "Location" "is a valid URL"
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" reference the resource being edited
  And the `Preference-Applied` response header is `return=representation`
  And the response is valid JSON
  And the JSON response "MAY" contain "@odata.context"
  And the JSON response value "@odata.context" "is a valid URL"
  And the JSON response "MAY" contain ""
  And the JSON response value "" "is a valid URL"
  And the JSON response "MUST" contain "@odata.editLink"
  And the JSON response value "@odata.editLink" "is a valid URL"
  And the JSON response "MUST" contain all JSON data in "create-succeeds.json"
  When a "GET" request is made to the URL in response header "Location"
  Then the server responds with a status code of "200"
  And the response has header "OData-Version" with one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the JSON response contains the data in "create-succeeds.json"
  And the JSON response matches the format advertised in the metadata

Create Action Succeeds with return=minimal

The testing rules for the minimal response are as follows:

  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  Prefer: return=minimal
@create @create-succeeds @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @2.1.0 @return-minimal
Scenario: Create operation succeeds using a given payload with a minimal response
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And request data has been provided in "create-succeeds.json"
  And request data in "create-succeeds.json" is valid JSON
  And schema in "create-succeeds.json" matches the metadata
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the request header "Content-Type" "contains" "application/json"
  And the request header "Accept" "contains" "application/json"
  And the `Prefer` request header is `return=minimal`
  When a "POST" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "create-succeeds.json"
  Then the server responds with one of the following status codes
    | 201 | 204 |
  And the response header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the response header "EntityId" "MUST" "be present" if the response code was 204
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" "be present"
  And the response header "Location" "is a valid URL"
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" reference the resource being edited
  And the `Preference-Applied` response header is `return=minimal`
  When a "GET" request is made to the URL in response header "Location"
  Then the server responds with a status code of "200"
  And the response has header "OData-Version" with one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the JSON response contains the data in "create-succeeds.json"
  And the JSON response matches the format advertised in the metadata

Create Action Fails

The error response is the same for the create action regardless if the client requested minimal or representation.

  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  Prefer: return=representation
@create @create-fails @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @1.0.2
Scenario: Create operation fails using a given payload
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And request data has been provided in "create-fails.json"
  And request data in "create-fails.json" is valid JSON
  And schema in "create-fails.json" matches the metadata
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the request header "Content-Type" "MUST" "be present"
  And the request header "Content-Type" "equals" "application/json"
  And the request header "Accept" "MUST" "be present"
  And the request header "Accept" "contains" "application/json"
  When a "POST" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "create-fails.json"
  Then the server responds with one of the following error codes
    | 400 |
  And the response has header "OData-Version" with one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the error response is in a valid format
  And the values in the "target" field in the JSON payload "error.details" path are contained within the metadata
  And the values in the "message" field in the JSON payload "error.details" path have non-zero length

Update Action Succeeds with return=representation

Similar to the create action, update supports a Prefer header of return=minimal or return=representation.

When the Prefer: return=representation request header is present, the testing rules are as follows:

  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
  Prefer: return=representation
@update @update-succeeds @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @2.0.0 @return-representation
Scenario: Update operation succeeds using a given payload
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And request data has been provided in "update-succeeds.json"
  And request data in "update-succeeds.json" is valid JSON
  And schema in "update-succeeds.json" matches the metadata
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the request header "Content-Type" "contains" "application/json"
  And the request header "Accept" "contains" "application/json"
  And the request header "Prefer" "contains" "return=representation"
  When a "PATCH" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "update-succeeds.json"
  Then the server responds with one of the following status codes
    | 200 | 204 |
  And the response header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the response header "EntityId" "MUST" "be present" if the response code was 204
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" "be present"
  And the response header "Location" "is a valid URL"
  And the `Preference-Applied` response header is `return=representation`
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" reference the resource being edited
  And the response is valid JSON if the response code was 200
  And the JSON response "MUST" contain "@odata.etag"
  And the JSON response value "@odata.etag" "starts with" "W/"
  And the JSON response "MAY" contain "@odata.context"
  And the JSON response value "@odata.context" "is a valid URL"
  And the JSON response "MAY" contain ""
  And the JSON response value "" "is a valid URL"
  And the JSON response "MUST" contain "@odata.editLink"
  And the JSON response value "@odata.editLink" "is a valid URL"
  And the JSON response "MUST" contain all JSON data in "update-succeeds.json"
  When a "GET" request is made to the URL in response header "Location"
  Then the server responds with a status code of "200"
  And the response has header "OData-Version" with one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the JSON response contains the data in "update-succeeds.json"
  And the JSON response matches the format advertised in the metadata

Update Action Succeeds with return=minimal

When the Prefer: return=minimal request header is present, the testing rules are as follows:

  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
  Prefer: return=minimal
@update @update-succeeds @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @2.0.0 @return-minimal
Scenario: Update operation succeeds using a given payload with a minimal response
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And request data has been provided in "update-succeeds.json"
  And request data in "update-succeeds.json" is valid JSON
  And schema in "update-succeeds.json" matches the metadata
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the request header "Content-Type" "contains" "application/json"
  And the request header "Accept" "contains" "application/json"
  And the request header "Prefer" "contains" "return=minimal"
  When a "PATCH" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "update-succeeds.json"
  Then the server responds with one of the following status codes
    | 200 | 204 |
  And the response header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the response header "EntityId" "MUST" "be present" if the response code was 204
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" "be present"
  And the response header "Location" "is a valid URL"
  And the response header "Location" "MUST" reference the resource being edited
  When a "GET" request is made to the URL in response header "Location"
  Then the server responds with a status code of "200"
  And the response has header "OData-Version" with one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the JSON response contains the data in "update-succeeds.json"
  And the JSON response matches the format advertised in the metadata

Update Action Fails

  OData-Version: 4.01
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
  Prefer: return=representation
@update @update-fails @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @1.0.2
Scenario: Update operation fails using a given payload
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And request data has been provided in "update-fails.json"
  And request data in "update-fails.json" is valid JSON
  And schema in "update-fails.json" matches the metadata
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the request header "Content-Type" "MUST" "be present"
  And the request header "Content-Type" "equals" "application/json"
  And the request header "Accept" "MUST" "be present"
  And the request header "Accept" "contains" "application/json"
  When a "PATCH" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "update-fails.json"
  Then the server responds with one of the following error codes
    | 400 |
  And the response has header "OData-Version" with one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the error response is in a valid format
  And the values in the "target" field in the JSON payload "error.details" path are contained within the metadata
  And the values in the "message" field in the JSON payload "error.details" path have non-zero length

Delete Action Succeeds

Unlike the create and update actions, the delete action only supports one response format.

  OData-Version: 4.01
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
@delete @update-succeeds @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @2.0.0
Scenario: Delete operation succeeds using a given Url
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  When a "DELETE" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "delete-succeeds.json"
  Then the server responds with one of the following status codes
    | 204 |
  And the response header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  And the response is valid JSON
  And the JSON response "MUST" be empty
  When a "GET" request is made to the URL in response header "Location"
  Then the server responds with a status code of 404
  And the response has header "OData-Version" with one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |

Delete Action Fails

  OData-Version: 4.01
  If-Match: W/\"MjAxOC0wMS0yM1QwODo1Njo0NS4yMi0wODowMA==\"
@delete @delete-fails @add-edit-endorsement @rcp-010 @2.0.0
Scenario: Delete operation fails using a given Url
  Given valid metadata have been retrieved
  And the request header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |
  When a "DELETE" request is made to the "resource-endpoint" URL with data in "delete-fails.json"
  Then the server responds with a status code between 400 and 499
  And the response header "OData-Version" "equals" one of the following values
    | 4.0 | 4.01 |

Section 4. Contributors

This document was written by Sergio Del Rio and Joshua Darnell.

Thanks to the Transport and Certification volunteers who contributed to this proposal.

Section 5: References

Please see the following references for more information regarding topics covered in this document:

This specification is based on the original RCP-010 proposal by Sergio Del Rio, which was previously adopted into DRAFT status by the Transport Workgroup for an earlier version of the RESO Web API.

Some requirements have been removed from the original proposal, specifically batch, child order action, and async operations. Providers MAY implement these items but they will not be tested for version 2.0.0 of this endorsement.

Section 6: Appendix

Section 7: License

This document is covered by the RESO EULA.

This End User License Agreement (the “EULA”) is entered into by and between the Real Estate Standards Organization (“RESO”) and the person or entity (“End User”) that is downloading or otherwise obtaining the product associated with this EULA (“RESO Product”). This EULA governs End Users use of the RESO Product and End User agrees to the terms of this EULA by downloading or otherwise obtaining or using the RESO Product.

Please contact RESO Transport if you have any questions.