RESO Transport Workgroup

RESO Change Proposal (RCP) Process

New Change Proposals

  1. Make a post on GitHub Discussions. This should contain a summary of the business case, list of requirements, and initial proposal.
  2. Request that the topic be added to the Transport Workgroup agenda by emailing at least two weeks before the meeting in which it’s to be discussed. Ideally, there should be activity in the GitHub Discussion prior to the workgroup meeting.
  3. Once there’s consensus in the group to move a given item forward, an issue should be created with a preliminary set of testing rules that could be used to (unambiguously) build software with, when applicable.
  4. A draft specification should be created. See instructions.

Draft Specification and Testing Rules

  1. The workgroups will review the draft specification.
  2. The proposal will stay in draft status until it has at least two implementations from two separate vendors.
  3. Implementations must be verified against the proposed testing rules by RESO staff, even if on a development server. Contact for verification.
  4. Once implementations have been verified, the proposal will be approved by the Certification Subgroup and sent to Transport for final approval. Keep in mind that additional changes may be requested by the community before proceeding.

Approval and Adoption Phase

  1. At this point, the RCP is ready for approval by the Transport Workgroup. If the change proposal is based on an existing specification, Transport will decide which version of the specification the changes will apply to.
  2. There may also be a motion to create certification tools and potentially new reports or metrics. These items will be added to RESO’s backlog, once approved.
  3. A motion and second will be made to adopt the specification.
  4. If testing tools are to be created, that work must be complete before ratification.
  5. The proposal will be sent to the RESO Board of Directors to be ratified.

Please contact if you have any questions.